Ricardo García was born in Caracas Venezuela on November 27 in 1975.

In 1997 started his painting studies with Maestro Félix Perdomo at the School of Visual Arts Cristóbal Rojas in Caracas. From there develops a work in the field of figuration with light and composition as a priority, impreged of great drama and strength.
Illustrated for the prestigious Santillana Publishing Group various publications since 2008: “The crow and the flower”, “Miguel Luna against the aliens”, “Miguel Luna against the beast of the forest”, “The cardboard island” and “Do not disturb” between others. Since 2013, at the art workshops of the Simón Rodríguez University CECOARTES -‐ UNESR, carried out his research in the field of engraving.
In 2018 did an artistic residency at the Museo Alejandro Otero (MAO), in the city of Caracas, where worked on his drawings of monumental dimensions ¨Las Demoníacas¨.
He has made solo exhibitions in the most important museums of his country such as: Museo de Bellas Artes, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas Museo de Arte Coro and currently represents Venezuela in the prestigious 58th Venice Art Biennial in 2019.
Represented in the collection Museum of Contemporary Art -‐ Foundation of National Museums (FMN).